Reduce energy consumption and save money every year

Saving money on energy consumption

Tenants and owners ask themselves again and again, how they can lower their energy consumption and save money. Free savings opportunities already exist through a change in behavior.

Further savings potential exists if financial resources are available for investments. They can be used to invest in energy-saving technology and energy-efficient appliances.

Future investments for the environment

Tenants and owners can save a lot on energy consumption by modernizing their buildings and purchasing modern appliances.

Thus, these investments have a positive impact in the future and in the longer term, not only financially. They also contribute to sustainable environmental protection.

Especially in so-called low-interest periods, when loans can be taken out with low interest rates, consumers should think about loan financing.

Because of low interest rates, the future costs saved on electricity, gas, and water are usually much greater than the interest to be spent. Among other things, on the website of, loans and their interest rates are compared.

The infographic opposite shows the areas in which tenants and owners can save money on energy consumption. For example, the savings potential of German households for heat generation is an impressive 44.

The average consumption is 135 kWh per m². At 59%, the savings potential for electricity use is even greater. Here the average consumption is 3400 kWh per household.

Free savings potential for energy consumption

For every 1°C reduction in room temperature, the heat energy saved is 6%. Closed curtains reduce heat loss by up to 50%.

Regular impact airing is clearly more economical in the comparison to tilted windows. If you ventilate 3-5 times a day briefly but vigorously, you can save up to 15% energy.

Up to 10% electricity can be saved by consistently unplugging appliances when not in use. Even modern technical devices consume electricity in standby mode.

Switchable power strips can reduce power consumption by up to 60%. Who heats water in the water boiler, saves 50% less energy in relation to cooking on the hotplate.

A correctly adjusted toilet flush should not use more than 10 liters of water per flush. This reduces water consumption by up to 30%.

When washing clothes, the main wash cycle is usually perfectly adequate. By omitting the pre-wash, you can easily save 15 euros per year.

Who showers, instead of taking a full bath, saves not only 50% water – also the energy consumption for the hot water production sinks thereby by half.

Investments with energy saving effect

With a professionally executed insulation of the outer facade, heating costs can be reduced by up to 19%. After all 13% smaller is the heat consumption by a roof insulation. Up to 60% heating energy can be saved by using solar thermal energy.

Modern household appliances and the technically newest devices from the range of the consumer electronics are particularly energy-efficient. They consume up to 50% less electricity than devices of earlier design years.

The consumption of energy-saving lamps is up to 80% lower than that of ordinary light bulbs.

By using a photovoltaic system, electricity costs can be reduced by up to 25%.

Half of the fresh water can be saved by using a rainwater harvesting system. Economy faucets reduce water consumption in bathrooms and kitchens by up to 50%.

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